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Parents – Reliable, Dependable And #NeverLetsYouDown
Todayโs post is different from the regular recipe posts. Todayโs post is dedicated to my parents whom I love the most in this world and who loves me unconditionally.
My mom is my pillar of strength who made me who I am today. She never lets me down and is always there for me whenever I need her. I can share any secrets with her. She has all solutions to my problems. Whenever I feel low, I call my mom and after speaking to her I feel good. An ex-teacher by profession, she is one of the most helpful person and a very good cook too. Oh yes! I inherited the cooking skills from her. Even today I rely on her for traditional recipes. I always call her when I want a certain recipe. Nowadays I can show her live whatever I cook by using the video calling feature on smartphone.
Now let me tell you about my dad. My dad is my role model. I can proudly say that he is the most adorable person in the whole world. People who work with him worship him due to his morals. He is a God-fearing and truth loving person. He slogged day and night and built an empire from scratch. He used to go to shop early morning at 7.30 AM and return only at night around 11.00 PM or even after that. A very successful businessman leading in Karnataka and Goa in his domain and winning laurels along his journey.
Apart from that his mathโs skills are mind-blowing. He deals with lots of customers daily and most of the time performs all the sums mentally. He knows all the addresses by heart and does not need GPS. He is the person who taught me maths. He has a solution to all my problems. I can confide anything in him anytime. He guides me while I take my financial decisions.
Another thing why I am proud of my father is because at the age of 70 he learnt to use a smartphone. He loves to play games on smartphone. He even sends me messages on WhatsApp. Whenever he feels like talking to me, he calls me on WhatsApp and does video calls on Facebook. He even clicks selfies and shares it on social media. BTW he is the first person to hit a like on my every Facebook post.
My parents are the people who made me who I am today. I trust them the most in this world. They are always dependable, reliable and trustworthy. In all my ups and downs my parents were with me just like my Lava mobile.
Lava mobiles are very reliable and dependable. The battery lasts for a long time and it #. The signal quality is strong and calls never get cut while I am talking to my dear ones. These mobiles are very trustworthy.
Being a food blogger, I love to click pictures of the food I eat. The camera of my Lava mobile never lets me down as I can click high quality pictures at the click of a button and immediately share it on social media using the 2G, 3G or Wi-Fi feature. The GPS and navigation support helps me find my way if I am lost even in the remote areas. When I feel low or bored I quickly use YouTube app to bring a smile on my face. Google search helps me solve any of my queries immediately. There are lots of features of Lava mobiles which are worth mentioning. These mobiles never let me down just like my darling parents.
You can check more about Lava mobiles here.-
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