In life we all face different types of problems. Some of us have health problems, some have financial problems and some have other family problems. At times we think so deeply that we cannot find a solution to all the problems. That is the time when we start believing in superstitions. That is the time when we all start consulting our friends and relatives and someone or the other misguides us or gives us some advice which is not at all practical.
E.g. when some people fall sick, they feel that some evil-spirit has conquered them and that’s why they go to some quacks. Some people are always found cribbing that they do not have sufficient money. Whatever they earn they finish at the end of the month and have zero savings. They blame it on their employer and say that they don’t get salary hikes or promotions. Even if they get salary hike, soon after 2-3 months they start cribbing again.
Once I met a person who said that the position of how we get out from our cubicles in office matters. We should never get out from the right, but we should turn our chair and get out from left. If we get out from right we will not get salary hikes. He even suggested that you forward those ridiculous get lucky SMSes that are always floating around.
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Do you think that if you get out from right side will drain the money from your pocket? Do you think that worshipping our laptops will fill our pockets with dollars? Do you think that keeping a lemon in a glass of water will double your earnings? All these are superstitions and if we start believing in all this then we end up spending more time, energy and money than we would if we invested wisely.
Watch this video to know more about what all people do when they are bound by superstitions.
If a person invests just Rs.5000/- per month Equity SIP would’ve turned your investment of ₹ 5000/month from 2005 to 2015 into ₹ 1,049,727.59 today! It would have provided you an excess return of 27.30% over an FD over 10 Years! Yes! #JanoTohMano, know it to believe it. Instead of believing in superstitions and quacks, just invest smartly in mutual funds and see your money grow.
A Systematic Investment Plan (SIP) is a financial planning scheme that allows you to accumulate wealth by making small periodic investments over fixed intervals of time (A person can start by investing as low as Rs.1000 per month). This minimizes the impact of volatile markets while maximizing your returns.
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Equity SIP lets you invest in equity via SIP, thereby enabling you to minimize the impact of volatile markets through regular investments.
To know more about mutual funds and investing smartly, visit
Note: This post is written in association with Birla Sun Life Mutual Fund.
Hmm.. very informative 🙂
Thanks 🙂