Wash the king fish till its clean.
In a small plate, mix salt, chilly and turmeric powder.
To this add 2 tablespoon water and make a thick paste.
You can even mix tamarind/garlic paste in this.
Apply this to the fish and let it marinate for 30 minutes to 1 hour.
For frying:
Mix the rice flour, rawa, pinch of salt, 1/4 teaspoon each of turmeric powder and chilly powder. Put this on a big plate.
Coat the King fish in this rawa. Ensure that it is covered with rawa on both sides and the edges too.
Heat the frying pan and spread 1 tablespoon oil. Add more if required.
Place the fish on the pan and fry on low flame.
After 10 minutes turn them to the other side.
Fry them for 20 minutes.
You know they are done when they turn brown.